平衡灯2 和 一体式桌面收纳系统 / 新锐中国设计团队yuue
Balancer / 平衡灯2
Floor Lamp / 立灯
Material: Steel Tube, Marble, Electric Parts
Size: 16 x 80 x 124 cm
Balancer is a minimalistic floor lamp using a simple and elegant mechanism for adjusting light direction. By turning the big knob, the user can slide the bending lever up and down to find the best light direction for optimal comfort. The lampshade and the blub come in one. The mechanism is visible to the eye, so that user knows instantly how the product works.
材料: 不锈钢管,大理石,灯具部件
尺寸: 16 x 80 x 124 cm
重量: 约8千克
这件作品是2014年作品 Balance / 平衡灯 的衍生版本。 这款灯具采用了简单但优雅的机械结构,让用户可以自由调节灯光的位置和方向。将灯罩和灯泡融为一体,是为了剔除了不必要的装饰和结构;让机械结构清晰可见,则能让用户更加本能地学会如何使用。 操作方法很简单:用户只需逆时针旋转灯杆上的大旋钮,然后上下移动它,找到最佳位置后,顺时针旋转固定即可.
One Piece
Desk Organizer / 一体式桌面收纳系统
Material: Hard wood
Size: 35 x 6.6 x 4.5 cm
Weight: ca. 500g
One Piece is a minimalistic desk organizer cut in one single piece of material. The various cutting shapes provide the optimal arragement for stationaries. It makes arranging stationaries a pleasant user experience and turns what used to be messy into a beautiful order.
材料: 优质实木
尺寸: 35 x 6.6 x 4.5 cm
质量: 约500克/块
关于 About yuue
yuue 是一个新锐的设计工作室,成立于德国柏林,是一个活跃于国际舞台的新锐中国设计团队。yuue 致力于灯具、家具、各种生活用品以及电子设备的创新设计。同时yuue工作室致力于探索设计与艺术的界限,进行概念性的设计项目。yuue 驻扎于欧洲,同时保持着对欧洲设计界和中国市场的双重关注,并且长期与各地区的产品公司合作。
yuue is a young design studio based in Berlin, Germany. yuue designs lights, furniture, accessories of different application and electric devices. yuue puts a great amount of value on the interactive and emotional aspects of a product. Being familiar with the markets and design industries in both Europe and China, yuue is working with different design companies across continents. yuue is also considered as one of the best young Chinese design studios active on the global level.